Call for Research Projects

The Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE: is seeking to expand its research community and is inviting 3-year research proposals with funding of up to £300,000 each for approximately 3-5 academic research projects, funded by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), to form part of the institute.

This call is now open and the key dates to note are as follows

Call Opens14th May 2018
Call Closes31st July 2018
Panel Review and PrioritisationAugust-September 2018
Expected Start Date of Research ProjectsNovember 2018
Latest Completion Date of Research Projects31st March 2022

The 4 main areas of focus for this research call are:

  • Micro-architectural and Analogue Security Evaluation
  • Automated security verification in EDA tools and software tool chains
  • Supply chain security
  • Hardware-based security services

(*This Call is now CLOSED*)