Call for Small Equipment Bids

RISE Announces Call for Small Equipment Bids

The Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE: is inviting proposals for research equipment to support UK academic research projects in the field of hardware security. Funding of up to £140,000 is available to support this call from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

The call for bids is now open with the following key dates:

Call Opens14th May 2018
Call Closes31st July 2018
Panel Review and PrioritisationAugust-September 2018
Latest Purchase Date of Equipment15 February 2019

The overall research challenges in hardware security being addressed by RISE include:

  • Understanding the technologies that underpin hardware security, the vulnerabilities in these technologies and development of countermeasures.
  • Maintaining confidence in security throughout the development process
  • Hardware security use cases and consideration of value propositions.
  • Development and pull-through of research.

(*This Call is now CLOSED*)