Frequently Asked Questions – Call for Research Proposals

How much funding we can expect from this call. Is it £300k for three years? The document is talking about different figures like £250k and £450k that make some confusionthe £250k and £400k refer to the budgets available overall due to our funders financial year breakdown so the funding available for each successful project is up to a maximum of £300k over the 3-year lifetime of the project. As NCSC provide funding per financial year, the overall funding available for the call is given in terms of financial years, hence £250k is available in 18/19, and approx. £400k in subsequent years.
Can we employ researchers postdoctoral levels or PhD students? If it is for researchers, I like to benefit from it for my own time; otherwise, I will target to employ a PhD student.It is your choice who you want to use the grant to fund so either a PhD student or some of your own time would be acceptable.
How much budget we can claim for a PhD student (or a researcher) per year? Can we target to engage two PhD students?The requested grant and what you can achieve with it is down to what your costs are.
Does it include overhead?The £300k would be inclusive of overheads.
I am working in a full-time permanent role as a research fellow. Am I eligible to submit the proposal considering myself as a PI, or it should be under the name of my manager?Yes you would be eligible to submit the proposal as long as you include evidence along with the proposal that you are in a full-time permanent role and you intend to remain in this role for the duration of the project.
I would like to know if we can have an international collaborator for this call?It is ok for it to be a collaborative project where costs to visit the international partner or vice versa could be covered but no funding for actual Research would be available for the international partner.
For this call are the projects funded at 80% or 100% Full Economic CostFunded projects will be at 100% of Full Economic Cost
Is the funding inclusive or exclusive of VATThe maximum grant of £300k is inclusive of VAT